BKK Info


From 8:22, Wednesday, 16 September 2020 - until 10:25
(modified at 2020.09.16. 10:25)

Due to traffic-related cause, the following route(s) change as follows:
  • Bus 276E runs with increased travel time between Cinkotai autóbuszgarázs and Liget sor towards Rákoscsaba-Újtelep, Naplás út.
  • Bus 46 runs with increased travel time between Cinkotai autóbuszgarázs and Rétsár utca towards Helikopter lakópark.
Affected routes:
  • 276E
    Örs vezér tere M+H
    Almásháza utca
  • 46
    Újpalota, Nyírpalota út
    Újmajori utca